With Syncretic Sites, a syncretic deep drilling into previously invisible or hardly perceived layers, locations, and perspectivizations of the site will take place in the fall of 2023. For just like any other place, Shedhalle is inhabited by traces from other times and places.
‘Syncretism’ describes the fusion of different natural-cultural elements into a new form of expression. The English word ‘site’ refers to a place, a factory, a location or also, the virtual localization on the net: the web site.
The next protozone is about processes of listening and about past, forgotten, repressed or future events and existences.
During the pre-opening, we look at post-digital futures: With an invitation to the curatorial collective Forever Unblocked, we celebrate the anticipation of Protozone12 with an initial focus on listening and sound formats. The freshly founded collective has developed a program of artistic positions that will take place at Shedhalle and Clubraum Rote Fabrik.
>>>Protozone12: Syncretic Sites officially begins with a Hi-Intensity Phase two weeks later, 15.09. -17.09.2023