
14.03 - 11.05.2025


curated by Michelangelo Miccolis
23.05 - 20.07.2025


curated by Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler
01.08 - 28.09.2025

ProtoZone20 (FINALE)

curated by Lucie Tuma, Michelangelo Miccolis, Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler

Pontus Pettersson

(b. 1983, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish choreographer, artist and dancer based in Stockholm. His work ranges from fortune telling, cat practicing, writing poetry to dancing. It is a love for dancing with a particular interest in made and found objects that create choreographies in between subject and object, spectator and performer, where hospitality and temporality can be seen as two major choreographic and artistic principles, as well as more open fields of study such as poetry and water.


Pontus Pettersson has throughout his career worked on situations where inviting other artists has been a crucial aspect of understanding his work in a greater whole – hospitality being one of his main conceptual concerns, seen as a choreographic principal for dance/art to emerge.


In the framework of Protozone11: it’s weird:


Pancor Poetics

Performance, July 01, 2023, 14-20h

with Aga Pędziwiatr, V Pierzyński and Tyra Wigg

Pancor Poetics is a collection of choreographic proposals interwoven (or entangled) in thoughts about artistic heritage, re-creation, repetition as displacement, text and the linguistics of dance.

Shedhalle – Pontus Pettersson

Pontus Pettersson, att att katt (2022). Courtesy the artist