
14.03 - 11.05.2025


curated by Michelangelo Miccolis
23.05 - 20.07.2025


curated by Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler
01.08 - 28.09.2025

ProtoZone20 (FINALE)

curated by Lucie Tuma, Michelangelo Miccolis, Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler


anybard transmission on the shadow channel [an invocation for the Spellchestra]


The vast open space between transmitting and receiving is where anybard currently finds themselves; longing for connection and collective memories. During the course of the past year’s Spellcaster shows, they have developed a song-and-narrative-engine (the “mem.mel.-engine”), allowing for a “re-shuffling” / expansion / altering of the already existing narratives and sonics.


this ever-morphing “matrix-opera” plays out within the scenic/sonic installation of a radiofield consisting of 8 walkie talkies – “the shadow channel” – through which anybard sings, transmits and receives songs, in endless feedback loops and wormholes: communicating with the ghosts of the shadow channel, singing invocations for their future ensemble; the Spellchestra.


Spellcaster is a music drama project by danish composer and musician holger hartvig (they/them), exploring the musical and narrative potentials of operatic expression, roleplaying game engines and bardic methods. The musical output is primarily based on (re)sampling and montage techniques, consisting of both electronic and orchestral elements, rock guitars as well as field recordings, all tied together by the sung narratives, processing themes such as memory, identity and community.


Two albums have been released under the Spellcaster moniker: ‘Inventory’ (Visage, 2019) and ‘memo’ (Anyines / Forlaget Virkelig, 2022), both told from the perspective of the character anybard – a bard character who tries to invent their memory, bend time through song and establish connections. ‘memo’ ends in the hope of collective action, when Anybard, together with the character Companion, transmits an invitation to a “role-play musical”. Since the release of the opera ‘memo’ in march 2022, Spellcaster has toured it in 10+ shows spread over Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Ireland. website:

Shedhalle – Spellcaster