Safe Touch
Self-isolation is an additional intimate discrimination against the elderly, the sick, and singles. But there is intimacy that doesn’t need touch, and there are ways to touch safely. Just as people developed an understanding of “safe sex” in response to the AIDS crisis, we now have to learn and promote “safe touch.”
Safe Touch (HD, 5 min., 2020) is a tutorial video, directed by Ingo Niermann for the Army of Love, on how to be safely intimate with strangers during the Corona crisis: Anybody can meet with people in need of love and touch in a park, forest, meadow, or deserted parking lot and practice these exercises without the risk of infection.
The video will be screened at Shedhalle Friday to Sunday. Saturday afternoon, the space will be closed for a rehearsal of a communal training on how to be safely intimate with strangers during the Corona crisis. Training session led by Ingo Niermann and Alessandro Schiattarella.
If you are interested in taking part in a recruitment training now or in the future, please get in touch here: jointhearmyoflove at gmail dot com
The presentation is made possible by a partnership between Theater Neumarkt and Shedhalle. As part of Training for the Future, the Army of Love will begin recruiting new soldiers and welcoming new participants for their first Training Camp in Switzerland, to be hosted at Shedhalle later in the summer.
Curated by Michelangelo Miccolis.
About the Army of Love
The Army of Love is a solidarity that offers trainings, recruitments, discussions, manuals, and testimonial videos to promote the redistribution of sensual love to all who need it. Since its founding in 2016, the Army of Love has recruited and trained people of diverse age, gender, ethnicity, and appearance all over Europe.