
13.01 - 13.03.2025

Winter Break


(fed and cared for
by JP Raether)


aLifveForms are bodies of work that explore questions of identity and language consituting reality. In their performative, distributed social interventions, the array of bodies activates a plurality of alter-identities engaging an elaborated vocabulary. Organized in a conceptual ‘Identitecture’ the techno-organically sprawling herd of humanoid beings grows through partition, forking, and updates to become a multiplicity of identities.


In their appearances, the avatara work to demonstrate that in every common reality the potential for another reality is always present. There are currently three active identities:


Transformellae research globalized and industrialized human reproduction. The Swarm-Being traces the transnational circulation of bodies and souvenirs. Protektoramae seek out sites of production of contemporary information technologies, interrogating the relation of the human body to its technological devices. The AlterIdentities are vessels for story drafting, from which photography emerges as derivative, crystalizing the essence of the performative appearances. Their sculptural practice transforms the experience of the AlterIdentities into complex, sculptural-spatial ensembles.


All of the aLifveForms are currently fed and cared for by J.P. Raether, born 1977 in Heidelberg. He attended University of Arts Berlin (1999–2005) and is currently holding a professorship for Artistic Practice in the Public Space at AdBK Nuremberg. He regularly talks at conferences. He lives and works in Berlin.


The aLivfeForms’ work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions such as Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler (2021; solo); nGbK, Berlin (2020); Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto (2019); Dortmunder Kunstverein (2019); 6th Athens Bienniale (2018); Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler (2018); Edith-Russ-Haus, Oldenburg (2017); transmediale Festival, Berlin (2017), Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf (2017; solo); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2016); 9th Berlin Biennale (2016); Kunsthaus Bregenz (2015); Fridericianum, Kassel (2015); MMK, Frankfurt (2015); District, Berlin (2015; solo); Kunst-Werke, Berlin (2013).


Their appearances have been presented at Tanznacht, Berlin (2020); PACT, Essen (2019); BAK, Utrecht (2019); Kampnagel, Hamburg (2018); Kammerspiele Munich (2018); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2017), amongst others.

Shedhalle – aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether)

aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether)
Transformalor Ashing / ZewaArena Ash Diamond Halbzeug []
Foto: Johanna Landscheidt