QUEER is, among other things, a term for the ambiguous and the unenclosed. In this sense, the term goes beyond sexual orientation or the question of gender. It is the basis of an attitude that insists on an “in-between,” a diversity of perspectives, and constant change.
For Protozone8, QUEER is joined with the term TRUST. Relationships with artists and trust in artistic processes are the foundation that gives support to constant change and non-fixation. This is what makes working in the art space Shedhalle possible in the first place. TRUST is also placed in the visitors, who are invited into this space of fluid transitions. QUEER TRUST is a call to trust the space between.
Protozone8: QUEER TRUST is developed and organized in exchange with the participating artists. Together with the visitors, QUEER TRUST creates space for the presentation of works as well as opportunities for gatherings, new experiences, and learning.
Dana Michel (artist-in-residence) & Tracy Maurice Lay Them All Down (2020)
Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė Leave No Trace (Athens) I-VIII (2022), RYXPER1126AE (2019), Votive Flowers (I–II), Freestanding Votive Flowers (I–VI) (all 2022)
Isabel Lewis The Institute for Embodied Creative Practices (ongoing) – in collaboration with Josephine Baan, Nina Emge, Izidora I LETHE, Ceylan Öztrük, Tyra Wigg and international art schools
Natasha Tontey Garden Amidst The Flame (2022) – commissioned and produced by Auto Italia, London in partnership with La Becque, Tour-de-Peilz, Stroom Den Haag, The Hague and Shedhalle, Zurich
Sunny Pfalzer I know what to do – with Lau Lukkarila and Slim Soledad, music by Marshall Vincent – produced in collaboration with Perrrformat
Tarek Lakhrissi Beast! (2022) – with Makeda Monnet and Victor da Silva – co-commissioned performance with Tinguely Museum (Basel), Move Festival, Centre Pompidou (Paris), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), Shedhalle (Zürich), Bureau des Heures Invisibles (Aubervilliers) & A horn is a thorn is a horn (2021)
Terre Thaemlitz Interstices (2001) & talk with Laurence Rassel
curated by Philipp Bergmann & Thea Reifler, curatorial assistants Ani Ekin Özdemir & Vanessa Bosch
With kind support of Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zurich Fachstelle Kultur (for The Institute for Embodied Creative Practices), Tanzhaus Zurich (für Dana Michel), Embassy of Canada (for Dana Michel), Kulturpauschale Kanton Basel Stadt (for Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė), Ernst and Olga Gubler-Hablützel Foundation.