“Federico” (2015) by Alex Baczyński-Jenkins is a minimal choreography for touch between two performers. The figures formed between the hands of the performers are at times recognisable as an intimate touch and at times abstract figures of relationality and entanglement. This is a choreography of desire in the smallest scale, that mobiles affect and sensuality, as a means for a queer archive of touch.
Choreography: Alex Baczyński-Jenkins
Each iteration is choreographed in collaboration with the performers and specific to that duo.
Shedhalle iteration performed by: Bassem Saad and Nomi Sladko
First iteration in collaboration with and performed by Jayson Patterson and Nick Finegan.
Further iterations performed by Katarzyna Szugajew, Anton Ambroziak, Rafał Pierzyński.
A production: Alex Baczyński-Jenkins Studio
Studio director: Andrea Rodrigo
Studio manager: Sarie Nijboer
Management Consultant: Rui Silveira
Distribution: Something Great
“Federico” was commissioned by Montague Space.
Artist Bio:
Alex Baczyński-Jenkins is an artist and choreographer engaging with queer affect, embodiment and relationality. Through gesture, collectivity, touch and sensuality, his practice unfolds structures and politics of desire.
Relationality is present in the dialogical ways in which the work is developed and performed as well as in the materials and poetics it invokes. This includes tracing relations between sensation and sociality, embodied expression and alienation, the textures of everyday experience, the utopian and latent queer histories.
He approaches choreography as a way of reflecting on the matter of feeling, perception and collective emergence, while indulging in other ways of experiencing memory, time and change. He is co-founder of “Kem”, a Warsaw based queer feminist collective focused on choreography, performance and sound at the interface with social practice. Through various experimental formats and community building, “Kem” engages in critical intimacy and queer pleasure.