Welcome to the Open Futures Sustainable Sunday Market!
With sales and information booths as well as small informative events and workshops by: Nosweatshop, basimil, the Preserving Library, grassrooted, Tauschen Am Fluss, Hazelburger, ZeroWaste, SocialFabric, EmpathieStadt, Left Bank of the Lake for All, Ladencafé FOIFI, and more.
Open Futures is dedicated to sustainability in its social-cultural-ecological dimensions, and in this context we would like to use the Sustainable Sunday Market to create an exchange between sustainable initiatives and the public in and around the Shedhalle.
We have invited social-ecological, sustainable stores, initiatives, associations, and individuals to come together in the Shedhalle – to provide an informative and yet relaxed Sunday get-together for interested people, Sunday strollers, people from the surrounding area, and those who have traveled to the Shedhalle.
Among others with the cooperative cheese dairy “basimil” and the burgers gone nuts of “Hazelburger” there are sustainable food options, stands of “SocialFabric”, “nosweatshop”, “Tauschen am Fluss” or “EmpathieStadt” offer suggestions on how we can change our (consumer) behavior.
Parallel to the sales and information booths, informative events and small workshops will take place between 12 noon and 5 pm:
If you like, you can become part of the Food Movement around the “Preserving Library” and make vegetable broth from kitchen scraps you brought along!
“Linkes Seeufer für alle” and the store café “FOIFI” inform about themselves as initiatives, and with “grassrooted” you can learn how food prices are created and solidary consumption can look like.
There will also be second-hand stands by and for everyone! Bring your stuff, we have the space and tables! Registration until 8.11.2021 to moritz@openfutures.ch
Starting at 5:30pm, Club La Fafa invites you to Diaspora Talk #1 hosted by Yaqoob Attal. Come by and join, discuss and participate!
The Sustainable Sunday Market will take place during the ongoing exhibition operation of the Shedhalle, so you can visit both the Sunday Market and the exhibition “Collective Resonance”
Partner: Transition Zurich