
13.01 - 13.03.2025

Winter Break


“Performance Therapy”

14.03.2021 – 04.04.2021


I’m Krõõt Juurak, my name is Krõõt Juurak and I am a performer and artist and I am here to do something. No, I’m not here to do something. I’m just trying to explain this project.


So, Michelangelo invited me to come up with a project for the SHED at Shedhalle and he said it would be very low key and easy going and rather something like a rehearsal than a premiere, no pressure and it sounded good so I agreed but I kept postponing cause to be honest I was not super inspired to do something on a website. However finally I came up with the idea of something called “Performance Therapy” using the form of a podcast and I invited Michelangelo (the curator) to join me (cause he said he would be willing to help out). So, that’s what we’ll be doing in the next four or so weeks. I hope it will be fun.


So what is “Performance Therapy”?

Something between performance and therapy? Performance for ourselves, therapy for the audience or the other way round? I really don’t know. But I am also interested in failed therapy and of course the opposite of performance. Anyhow, “Performance Therapy” is something we do when we are not doing something else, or in fact it’s like listening to a podcast, while doing something else.


Image: Krõõt Juurak. Courtesy of the artist.

Shedhalle – Krõõt Juurak