
14.03 - 11.05.2025


kuratiert von Michelangelo Miccolis
23.05 - 20.07.2025


kuratiert von Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler
01.08 - 28.09.2025

ProtoZone20 (FINALE)

kuratiert von Lucie Tuma, Michelangelo Miccolis, Phila Bergmann & Thea Reifler




21.04.2021 – 12.05.2021


Last summer I relocated the NAAFI studio to an old textile factory on Rey Maxtla Street in Azcapotzalco. The industrial space turned cultural center Zyanya, houses an array of creative practices, empty spaces and latent scenarios. The possibilities and the desire to explore a different performance/entertainment format turned into the delirium of producing an Opera. Evidently, it is still just an idea in the making… This is the first spill.


1. Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia – Alberto Bustamante, 2018

2. Perfume 22 – Lao ft. La Bruja de Texcoco for LABOR, 2021

3. Entre Lenguas – Rafa Esparza, 2020

4. Tláloc 3D model – Yurek Cielak, 2021

5. Xochipilli – Compañía CroMagnon, 2020

6. Volcanes y Lago – José Maseco, 2020

7. Huichovan (Nierika) – Carrillo & Bautista Fam. for Zyanya, 2017-2018

8. La Bruja de Texcoco as Chalchiuhtlicue – Andrés Mañón, 2021

Shedhalle – Alberto Bustamante